Saturday, December 14, 2019

What is a Resume

What is a ResumeWhat is a ResumeIts happened to each of us. Youre at a party,networking, on a date,or even atan interview. You extend your hand to meet a contact, excited about the possibilities associated with this new person- - and get a weak, listless handshake.Even if only for a split second, your attention shiftsto the handshake and not the person behind it.A resumeat its core is a document that lists your education and work experience. However, its also the equivalent of a strong handshake In this age of applicant tracking systems, overwhelmed hiring managers, and hundreds of applications per position, its vital that your resume create a great first impression. So just what IS a resume in 2015?Lets start with what a resume isnt.ALinkedIn profileis now a necessary tool for any job seeker.As Alexandra Samuel of the Harvard geschftlicher umgang Review puts it, a solid LinkedIn profile includes not only your self-proclaimed qualifications, but testimonials from colleagues, clients, and employers. Its easy to update, detailed, and shows offpast work.Yet you still, as we believe and Forbes agrees, need a good resume in addition to your LinkedIn profile.If a resume is a handshake, a CV (curriculum vitae) is a full dating profile. This document is often used in applying for jobs internationallyor in academia. Rather than focusing on specific employers and job titles, a CV details your professional and/or academic accomplishments and provides a venue for describing research endeavors, awards, and other notable details. Job seekers in the United States should definitely use a comprehensive career management documentfor their own records, but skip the storytelling seen in a CV (unless a CV is specifically called for).With that cleared up, lets examine what a resume really is a set of opportunities. A well-written resume gives you the opportunity to1. Showcase crucial keywords. Including the correctkeywords in your resume is the most important part of todays job sear ch. Keywording not only serves the purpose of getting thatresume past an applicant tracking system (ATS), but also helps show your attention to detail. Use Jobscans resume analysis tool to see how well your resume matches with an individual job description. And to keep the appropriate keywords front and center, tailor each resume you submit.Keywords unlock applicant tracking systems and lead to interviews. (Photo leistungspunkt Prove youre the best candidate.There are many reasons a person may need a job making money, pursuing a passion, or perhaps gaining experience to bolster adegree. When an employer posts a job, it means they need something, too. Lisa Rangel, of Chameleon Resumes andFast Company, says it bluntly but best Simply put nobody really cares what you want only. A resume is your way of showing how you, and not one of the other (sometimes hundreds) applicants, will fully address the companys needs. Set yourself apart from the pack3.Own your career sto ry. Although an employers keywords and proper resume format are important considerations, dont forget that your resume is just that- yours. Dont be shy about touting accomplishments (dont stretch the truth, of course). Using the resume as a vehicle for articulating the arc of your career will both show an employer what youve done and help you remember where youre headed.Dont submit a limp fish of a resume. Instead, see it as an opportunity to put forth a strong handshakeand start a career conversation.

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